Honest Wisdom
Last Trip
Last Trip Reflection As I reflect on our last trip, 2024 has been a good season for #VanLife. If the count is correct, there were 40 nights spent in...
Compassion for the Job Seeker
My active compassion for job seekers began in the summer of 2020, when my colleague in the Lesley University Mindfulness Studies program,...
Radical Presence
Radical Presence There’s a commercial I’ve been hearing in the morning while indulging in my guilty pleasure of listening to Boston Sports...
Coexistence of gratitude and grief
Coexistence of Gratitude and GriefGratitude Although the coexistence between gratitude and grief is the essence of this story, it began in 2006 when...
26 Years of Phestivals
Years of PhestivalsI don’t know if I can pinpoint the first time I heard a Phish jam. But I do recall that my years of phestivals were sprinkled...
Leanings from Lughnasa
Learnings from LughnasaWheel of the yearAccording to the Wheel of the Year, Lughnasa is a festival that celebrates the first harvest. While I am no...
Making room for what’s important
Making room for what is importantJust over two years ago, I voluntarily walked away from ‘safety.’ Or at least that is what my brain thought was...
Age Fluid
Age FluidAre you age fluid? There is so much talk these days about ‘the generations.’ Boomers - Gex X - Millennials - Gen Z Each tends to wear their...
Farmer’s Market Treasures
Farmer's Market TreasuresTime travel with me for a moment...Can you remember the summer of 2020? Something called the coronavirus had taken us...
Self-Care Road Trip
Self-Care Road TripAs I write this, it’s the eve of my 47th birthday, and a self-care road trip comes to mind. I’m sitting alone at 9 PM in an...
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