FAQS of coaching

What is coaching?

One of the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) I get is this particular one. Ultimately, coaching is a framework where we co-create an approach that supports your personal development. During our sessions, I may teach you things, but my role is never to give you advice. My role is to help you in your personal development and guide you through transformation. It’s hard work, and I may push you out of your comfort zone. However, it will be in a way that feels compassionate and supportive. Learn more about my different offerings here.

How is coaching different from therapy?

Coaching and therapy work well together for many individuals. Therapy can support you in healing trauma, emotional wounds, and also resolving issues from your past. On the other hand, coaching is focused on the present and looks at how you’ll transform as you head into the future.  They often ‘meet in the middle’ in the present moment.  For the record, I see a therapist regularly who has supported me in my recovery from burnout and healing past traumas. Not only that, she has also been a big part of my journey, along with coaching. 

How do you define midlife?

Simply put, I don’t. Midlife crisis is more of a feeling than an age-based milestone.  For instance, some of us will live to be 122 (it could happen) and some of us only have a short time here. Therefore, we never actually know.  I work with adults of all ages and backgrounds.  So whether you are 22 or 122, there is potential for us to co-create your awakening.

There are a lot of coaches and facilitators out there, what makes you unique as a mindful coach and educator?

The fact that I am me.  We are all unique and have talents, skills, and abilities to contribute.  Many wonderful people do this work, many of whom are dear friends of mine.  When hiring a coach or a facilitator, it is important to ensure a good fit.  Talk to a few people and see whose message lands best.  If you’d like to get to know me better, attend a #MindfulInspirationBreak.  I offer this free and I can’t even tell who attends.  No meditation experience is necessary.  Or just contact me, and we can have a quick chat.

What is the time commitment for coaching?

Flexibility is important to me.  We all have lives, things come up, and we want to go on vacation once in a while. When purchasing a coaching package, I recommend that the sessions be completed within 6 months so that we can build and keep momentum.  Sessions can be scheduled at a recurring time weekly or bi-weekly.  They also can be scheduled ad-hoc using a scheduling link, however, with this option, my availability may be limited. 

What if I have something that I'd like to bring to you between sessions? Can I get in touch with you?

I will provide you with my email address and phone number as a client!  However, I ask that you respect my boundaries and limit phone calls to urgent matters.  Generally, for anything that you’d like to bring to me between sessions, I recommend the following guidelines:

  • If it can wait 48 hours, send me an email
  • When a response is ideal within 24 hours, please text me.
  • If you need something urgently and a response is necessary within 4 hours, call me.
Between sessions, what happens?

Most people say that this is when the real work happens.  It will be different for each person, but generally at the end of each coaching session we will outline goals, actions, and/or behaviors for you.  If applicable, I will send you an email with tools and resources that were discussed.  I will also send you an optional questionnaire / journal which will allow you to share your reflections with me.  This is completely optional, but if you submit it, I will commit to reviewing it so long as it is submitted at least 4 hours before the start of your next session.

How will I know if it is working?

Oftentimes, the transformation that you see in yourself is subtle.  There will be times when you feel icky because we are going outside of your comfort zone. You may try small actions, you may do something slightly differently, or you may not do anything you committed to.  It’s all good.  I promise you, you can’t mess this up.  In the work we do together, you can’t make a mistake. 

Is coaching confidential?

Yes! You will likely see me taking notes during our session.  I use a reMarkable tablet to write on and keep notes stored in a private drive on my computer.  Taking notes helps me to stay engaged (often the things I write wouldn’t make sense to another human). It also helps me to synthesize my own action items, like materials that I’ve promised to send to you.  

The only exception to breaking confidentiality is if you share something with me that would cause me to believe that you are a danger to yourself or others.  While coaches are not mandated reporters, we do have an ethical responsibility to keep you safe.  


A note on safety…

I will always join our virtual coaching sessions from the privacy of my home office, or similarly private space.  I recognize that all living situations are different but I do recommend that you join from a private space as well where you can be fully present.  I reserve the right to suggest we reschedule if I feel that your safety is compromised due to driving or joining in the presence of others.  

Who should I choose to be in my group for group coaching?

That is entirely up to you!  Your group of 3-4 may be friends, colleagues, family members, or some combination of all of that.  What is important is that you share similar goals.  Some examples might be a group of friends who are all navigating midlife crises, a group of colleagues who are looking to take their careers to the next level, or a group of family members who want to plan to take a sabbatical.  The sky’s the limit.  

A woman peacefully sits on the floor of her campervan reading a book.
What other work do you do with groups?

I also offer workshops and private meditations, in addition to group coaching.  See my offerings page for more examples.  If you are interested in a workshop or meditation, let’s have a chat about your desired outcomes and budget.  

How much is this going to cost?

I design my prices and packages with accessibility and accountability in mind.  I truly believe that everyone can benefit from working with a coach. If you are ready, I will do all in my power to make it work for you financially.  It’s also important that you have some skin in the game and are paying an amount that will inspire you to be engaged and accountable.  After a complimentary session, I will provide you with pricing and package options.  It’s better for me if you pay upfront, and the options reflect that.  However, several payment plans are also available.  

Are your workshops customizable?

Absolutely!  It’s important for me to know about your audience and what is most important to them.  Together, we’ll outline learning objectives and decide which of my workshops will work best.  We may decide to incorporate elements from different workshops or design something from the ground up.  It all starts with having a chat to collaborate.  Pricing varies depending on the level of effort required and medium (online, in-person, etc.)

Can you facilitate my group or organization's content?

Maybe.  Let’s chat.  If you have a well designed framework and facilitator guide, I’d love to have a look at it.  If it aligns to a subject matter that I am knowledgeable and passionate about, then I’d be thrilled for this opportunity.  My work is in the area of human skills.  So I likely won’t be teaching anything on AI, astrophysics, or anything that is technical or precise.  I do know great people who do this kind of thing and would be happy to make a referral.

Questions are the root of all answers.
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