20 Years

20 Years

20 Years I…am a Red Sox fan.  I have been for over 20 years now. More accurately, all my life. As a kid, I watched the games with my dad or my grandpa.  I can remember with all my being, the station identification:  TV38…WSBK…Boston.  This always seemed really cool...


No!  I want you to say it.  Practice it daily – loud & proud.  There need not be anything that follows it.  Just No!  No excuses, no justification, no holding back. Just No! I know that this is not easy.  In fact, it’s been one of the hardest lessons for me...
More Day & The Power of Choice

More Day & The Power of Choice

More Day & The Power of Choice The final day of my most recent retreat with Hedonism Wild was ‘More’ day.  My emotions were on overdrive, and I found it difficult to move during the final morning of movement.  I surrendered to this and allowed the words to pour out of...
The Integration Chronicles

The Integration Chronicles

The Integration Chronicles When I first experienced a retreat, I hadn’t considered the concept of integration. This is how I thought it would go…“I’m going to go meditate for a week and be all blissful and shit and then go back to work.” I laugh at this now. My first...
Landing Softly in the Jungle with Soma Tending

Landing Softly in the Jungle with Soma Tending

by Jen  Landing Softly in the Jungle with Soma Tending Landing softly in the jungle was a recent experience when I traveled to Costa Rica. The night I landed in the jungle, I was exhausted.  But I couldn’t help but notice and record in my journal… I have arrived. The...
I’m a coach…And I hired a coach

I’m a coach…And I hired a coach

As a coach, I recently hired a coach, but I’ve always wondered… If you were a painter, would you hire someone to paint your house? If you were a mechanic, would you hire someone to fix your car? Do landscapers mow their own lawns? I have no idea of the answers to the...