The Dirty Little Secret to Hosting for Slobs

The Dirty Little Secret to Hosting for Slobs

The dirty little secret to hosting for slobs Dirty I have a dirty little secret. And it’s dirty, filthy even. It is that I am, well, DIRTY. As much as I desire to be that person who consistently has a clean house and who can invite people over at a moment’s...
Reflections on a Swinging Pendulum

Reflections on a Swinging Pendulum

Reflections on a Swinging Pendulum As I write this, it is the weekend after election day, 2024 in the United States. At this point, I’m not sure if these words will stay private in my journal or if they will be published. I’ve obviously decided to publish them since...
Last Trip

Last Trip

Last Trip Reflection As I reflect on our last trip, 2024 has been a good season for #VanLife. If the count is correct, there were 40 nights spent in our beloved #CamperVanBeethoVAN. The timing was right. I can feel in my body a sense of uneasiness and a feeling of…...
Compassion for the Job Seeker

Compassion for the Job Seeker

Compassion for the Job Seeker   My active compassion for job seekers began in the summer of 2020, when my colleague in the Lesley University Mindfulness Studies program, Stephanie D’Angelo was looking for people to interview as part of her thesis project.  She...
Radical Presence

Radical Presence

Radical Presence   There’s a commercial I’ve been hearing in the morning while indulging in my guilty pleasure of listening to Boston Sports Radio.  I believe it is for Xfinity WiFi, where a dad calls customer service. He’s concerned because his kid invited her...
Coexistence of gratitude and grief

Coexistence of gratitude and grief

Coexistence of Gratitude and Grief Gratitude Although the coexistence between gratitude and grief is the essence of this story, it began in 2006 when I moved into my house with my now husband. We both grew up in the same Connecticut suburb and ended up in Boston....