As a coach, I recently hired a coach, but I’ve always wondered…

If you were a painter, would you hire someone to paint your house?

If you were a mechanic, would you hire someone to fix your car?

Do landscapers mow their own lawns?

I have no idea of the answers to the questions above.  But, I suspect that…

Doctors go to doctors, because it would be challenging to examine yourself.

Lawyers hire lawyers if they are in legal trouble because there could be too many issues in representing themselves.

And I would imagine that even the best of therapists have therapists.

A table set for 4, where each place setting has a placemat, a square ceramic plate, a small ceramic bowl, a glass cup, 2 forks, a butter knife, and a napkin with a ring around it. The table also has two large blue bottles of water and a centerpiece with two candles.

We all have blind spots.  And we are all better when we allow those around us to help us.  

Perhaps I thought that my certification would be like flipping a switch.  Like, all of a sudden, as a certified coach, I am some sort of elevated human.

Don’t get me wrong.  Coach training and all the work I’ve done on myself over the past year have allowed me to grow tremendously.  

Black and white depiction of 2 ladies sitting face to face at a coffee table in front of 3 paneled floor to ceiling clear glass with visible skyscrapers in the background. The floor is very shiny and reflective.


I still can’t get out of my own way.

At times, I still experience self-doubt and imposter syndrome.

I still feel guilt and fear as powerful and primal emotions.

It’s funny, even though I know deeply the value of coaching, I’ve made all the same excuses and assumptions that I always had…

  1. I can’t afford coaching.  Yes, I am in a place of frugality right now and not in a position to hire the most expensive coach.  But was I able to find a great coach within my budget?  Yes, I was. 
  2. I’ve been to coach training.  I know all the tools of the trade.  How would a coach possibly help me?  This is a tough one to explain.  Even when I am almost sure of what my coach will ask me in a session, my energy still shifts.  Being asked a powerful question by another human is wayyy different from trying to do self-coaching because there is accountability.  When I hear myself making excuses, expressing limiting beliefs, or stating assumptions aloud, energy moves in a way that creates a sense of relief in my body, and my brain begins to calm down.
  3. I must be lazy if I need help.  Oooooh, this is a loaded one.  The laziness gremlin is powerful.  And somewhere along the way, many of us have learned that asking for help = laziness. What is important to know here is that in coaching, that couldn’t be farther from the truth because the client does the work.  It’s HARD, but it’s transformative.  
Black and white depiction of 2 ladies sitting face to face at a coffee table in front of 3 paneled floor to ceiling clear glass with visible skyscrapers in the background. The floor is very shiny and reflective.

So far, my coach has supported me in gaining clarity and defining my priorities.  She’s helped me to remember that relationships are everything to me…

– My husband and my pup

– Family and friends

– Colleagues 

All mean SO much.

She’s helped me to identify my guilt trigger and when it’s powerfully taking over.

“I’m failing at my business.”

“I didn’t do enough work for my job today.”

“I’m a shitty wife, because I didn’t make a good dinner.”

“I’m a terrible friend because I haven’t reached out to _________ in so long.”

Ever say this shit to yourself?  Do you think coaches are immune to it?  Think again.

Coaching works, even for coaches.  And, it is even better in many cases when combined with therapy which supports me in uncovering why I cause my suffering.

I create the story that I am not doing enough for my job.

Then, I create the story that I am not doing enough to nurture my business.

I create the story that I am not doing enough as a wife, friend, or family member.

Because … .baggage.  Because the resolution of past trauma takes time.

Of course, the natural tendency is to stop the suffering.  But if I can embrace it and face it head-on, I can let go and stop trying to control so much. 

This freedom can lead to different actions based on a newfound clarity and purpose.

Can you relate?

Watch this short video to dive deeper into why I hired a coach.

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