Self Care for the Holiday Season: A Shamanic Journey

The holiday season is ‘supposed’ to feel magical, but sometimes it just doesn’t.  Everyone experiences it differently.  For me, in the weeks leading up to Christmas, it just feels like there is a whole bunch of extra shit to do.  I love getting my tree and making the house feel festive.  I enjoy shopping for the perfect gifts for the people in my life.  But I absolutely DESPISE wrapping said gifts and find myself angrily stuffing them in bags at the 11th hour.  And because I tend to be overly generous, I often find myself paying off debt for months in the name of our capitalistic rituals. This was all before I experienced my shamanic journey during the holiday season.

What I actively try to arm myself against is the narrative of “I have too much to do” and so I intentionally engage in all of my favorite self care things amongst the hectic nature of the season.  This includes Shamanic Journeying at my happy place, Just Breathe Salt Room.  According to their website, shamans use drums and rattles to shift their consciousness.  We know that anyone can learn to journey and connect with their guides to get answers to personal questions, solve problems, and open creativity.  

Why not?!  And if nothing else, I get the salt therapy.  

I’ve done a few of these journey circles and at the end we have a chance to connect and share our experience.  Many individuals will report having visions like seeing a dove on their shoulder. Others may report riding on a magic carpet, or going deep down into a cave.

None of that shit ever happens for me and that is ok.  I let go of judgment and allow for whatever comes.  What I do find is that it is a deeply somatic experience.  It’s not always pleasant or relaxing but I can feel a release of sorts.  Quite honestly, it’s hard to explain in words on a screen.  

A woman dressed in a navy blue long sleeve shirt and a red vest over it and wearing a white knit beanie stands in the woods with pine leaves covering part of her face and body.

This particular journey was focused on the North Star.  According to the information we received from our guide Sue, The North Star, also known as Polaris, has been a symbol of guidance and direction for centuries.  In ancient times, navigators and travelers used the North Star as a way to determine their location and navigate the seas.  Even today, the North Star is still seen as a symbol of hope and direction, guiding us towards our true north.  

In modern times, the North Star continues to be a symbol of guidance and direction.  It is a reminder to stay true to ourselves and follow our own path, even when the world around us seems to be in chaos.  The North Star reminds us that even in the darkest of times, there is always a light that guides us towards our true north.  

With that in mind, I set my intention…


Altar dressed with a large white blanket, yuletide cloth, candles, various types of candies, crystals, oracle cards, and wooden stars with the word magic on them. This altar is set in the middle of a wooden floor.

What I mean by this is being truly present with whoever I am with or whatever I am doing.  Like right now, I am noticing that I am being pulled towards checking my work Slack instead of focusing 100% on writing this blog post.  

Additionally, I’m looking to allow for magic as the new year approaches.  This year has been focused on very tactical things which were absolutely necessary to set up the base and infrastructure of my business.  Now I’m ready to trust that I’ve done all that and that it is working. 

Finally, as I settled into the journey, I could feel deep shifts in my body.  There were no magical unicorns or sparkly crystals.  But I did feel myself going to a place of deep rest.  This place is rare this time of year.  As we came back to the room, I felt the need to fiercely write in my journal.  What I wrote is for my eyes only, but I will share a reflection that it became important for me to get clear.

How can I follow my North Star if I don’t know what it is?

That’s a good question.  

It also became clear to me that I still fear judgment. I fear self judgment the most, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t fear judgment from others.   The work I am doing is on opening and being willing to welcome and accept whatever emotions come my way.  This is NOT easy.  

In this season of my life, it feels as if there is a push and pull between the old and the new.  There’s a tendency to cling to old patterns, friendships, and ways of being in order to preserve my youth.  Additionally, there is also a pull to bring in the new and the present and to get to know and accept myself as a middle-aged woman.  There’s no longer a need to perform and live up to a certain expectation of myself.  

I am free to make my rules. Free to create my own interpretations of things.  I am free to share my gifts and create the world that I want around me.

Sure, I would have loved to ride a dragon through a mystical forest but instead I’ll take the emotional release and clarity that this journey provided, without JUDGEMENT.  

What about you? How are you taking care of yourself this season?

Watch this short video to dive deeper into my shamanic journey.

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